Our Community

Happylee fitness-Female into fitness doing a pushup

What is Community at HappyLee Fitness all about?

Community is comfort. Community is going to a place where you know everyone, and everyone knows you. Community is a place where you can be you and you don’t have to worry about impressing others. Community is a sense of where I belong; it just feels right. I can go any time, enjoy the people and feel part of something. Community~HappyLee Fitness!

Growing up, the park was my community, my rec center, my school, my little league. Playing baseball, having a hotdog with friends, watching a parade, going to the community pool, all brought comfort, and each played a big role in my sense of freedom. The ability to move in and out, the ability to show up as I wanted and to dress as I felt comfortable all created community. I just wanted a place that I called “home”. Community is home. HappyLee Fitness is a place you will gladly say is “my Gym” HappyLee Fitness will be home. As comfortable as your living room. A place where you don’t need your best outfit to exercise or feel a need to comb your hair. Really, it is where you exercise not where you are on display. You wake up and you just go. You arrive and everyone knows your name, when you arrive you feel at home. Lee and I will work hard to bring this sense of community to Severna Park.
We are looking for the client who just wants a place they can call “my gym”. That’s where I go, it’s small, it’s simple, they have what I need and I am accepted there. If you want comfort, if you want identity, if you want a place that you call “home”, then you will love HappyLee Fitness.

We are not a big box Gym; we are not a sea of treadmills and classes; we are not a place to get a date; but we will be a place you can shoot in and out of, a place you can get a good workout, a place that you will never have to worry about who is there, because our quaint space will be yours. It will be inviting; it will be as comfortable as your living room on a cold day with the fireplace blazing. So pull up your blanket, open a book, get a cup of tea and relax, we want to welcome you to HappyLee Fitness.

Our community will welcome all. We will have fit people to not-so-fit. (We are a gym). We want to teach people to move, to stay active, to work on wellness and to proclaim ownership of their bodies. We won’t be flipping tires, or setting records for weight lifting. We simply will provide the tools you need to get in shape. Our goal is to get you healthy and to get you fit.

Lee and I have spent our entire adult lives helping others. Our plan is to simply be an environment that everyone feels welcomed and can get the help they need to obtain wellness. Wellness is not a shape; it is not the model on the cover of the magazine. It is simply making sure that you are doing the right things every day that allows your body to move freely, without pain. If your goal is to be the best, that’s ok, but so many people are nowhere near optimal health and we want to be the starting point to get you there. We don’t see ourselves as a destination place, but we feel that we be able to help you so much that you won’t want to leave. We are unique, because of our size, we can focus on you.

Attached to HappyLee Fitness is our InShapeMd Anti- Aging center. We have a team of professionals who can coach you on nutrition and optimal eating. In our HappyLee Fitness Center we will have personal trainers for those who want a higher level of commitment, classes for small groups and individual equipment for those who just want to work out and enjoy our community.

Lee and I can’t wait to see you and share what’s in store for you. You are always welcome to stop by, ask questions and simply take a look. Comfort is just a short drive away, stop in and lets us talk to you about getting you Healthy and Fit.

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Find Us

576 Benfield Road
Severna Park, MD 21146

InShapeMD Hours

Monday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Tuesday: 10:00am – 7:30pm
Wednesday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Thursday: 9:30am – 6:30pm
Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 10:30am – 1:30pm
Sunday: Closed

HappyLee Fitness Hours

Monday: 5:00am – 10:00pm
Tuesday: 5:00am – 10:00pm
Wednesday: 5:00am – 10:00pm
Thursday: 5:00am – 10:00pm
Friday: 5:00am – 10:00pm
Saturday : 5:00am – 8:00pm
Sunday: 5:00am – 8:00pm